Funerals and burials are an important part of the grieving process. It is crucial to approach them with respect and sensitivity. While it is important to show support to the family and honour the deceased, there are certain things you should never do during burials. These actions can be inappropriate, disrespectful, or even offensive to the family and the deceased.

Never Do These Things When You Are Attending a Burial

  1.   Take photos or videos: During funerals or burials in Aberdeen, taking photos or videos is highly inappropriate. It is disrespectful to the family and the deceased and can also be seen as intrusive. Instead of taking photos, offer your condolences and support to the family.
  1. Bring your pet: Bringing your pet to a funeral or burial is highly inappropriate. Pets can be a distraction and can disrupt the ceremony. Additionally, some people may have allergies or fears of animals, which can cause unnecessary stress during an already emotional time.
  2.   Wear inappropriate clothing: It is important to dress appropriately for a funeral or burial. Avoid wearing anything too revealing, too casual, or too flashy. Instead, opt for conservative and respectful clothing.
  3.   Talk loudly or use your phone: Maintaining a respectful and quiet atmosphere during a funeral or burial is important. Talking loudly, using your phone, or making noise can be disruptive and disrespectful to the family and the deceased.
  4.   Show up late: Showing up late to a funeral or burial is highly disrespectful to the family and the deceased. It can also be seen as rude and insensitive. It is important to arrive on time or even a few minutes early to show your support and respect.
  5.   Make inappropriate comments: During a funeral or burial, inappropriate comments can be highly offensive and disrespectful. Being mindful of your words and actions during this emotional time is important.
  6.   Bring children without supervision: Bringing children to a funeral or burial can be highly inappropriate. Children may not understand the gravity of the situation and may act inappropriately, distracting, and disrespectfully. If you do bring children, make sure to supervise them and explain the situation to them beforehand.

Remember to be mindful of your words and actions and offer your condolences and support to the family during this difficult time. 

For a peaceful and hassle-free arrangement of burials in Aberdeen, you can contact the funeral experts of Victoria Funeral Home Ltd. We arrange all types of funerals to meet our client’s requirements and budgets.